Are your teams fully focussed on their objectives?

Perhaps there is an assumption that every member of the team is aware of the objectives and fully signed up.

A team is made up of individuals and a fully functional team should deliver more than the sum of those individuals. We can coach teams and we can coach individuals, but we need to coach both in parallel to maximise the impact. 

The team will only function to its full potential when all the individuals are preforming to the best of their individual potential. In reality the work performance of any individual will fluctuate according to personality, behavioural patterns, external pressures and a whole host of “baggage” that can distract them. 

The GROW-studio approach is based on three fundamental tools that when combined provide a highly effective method of enabling teams and individuals to work to their very best.  

Performance Coaching

Everything we do is based on the fundamental coaching principles of GROW: 

G GOALS - Where are you going? 
R REALITY - Where are you now? 
O OPTIONS - How might you get there?
W WILL - Who is going to do what by when?

This is the underlying approach to ensuring that your team and individuals are fully focused on a common goal and working to their full potential. Coaching is there to support both the team and the individual as they adapt to and work through the real challenges they face both collectively and individually.   

Coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximise their own performance. It is helping them to learn rather than teaching them.
— Sir John Whitmore - Pioneer of Executive Coaching
Coaching with GROW-studio

Action Learning

Individuals learn best from and with one another as they tackle problems and implement solutions.

Action Learning is a process for empowering teams and individuals to work on solutions to complex problems. It encourages participants to think critically, work collaboratively and learn from each other.

The process combines research, action and learning into a single rolling activity that develops questioning and reflection skills to help teams respond to an often rapidly changing environment.

Click the link to learn more about Action Learning.

There can be no learning without action, and no action without learning
— Reginald Revans - Pioneer of Action Learning

Belbin Team Behaviours

Belbin Reports are globally recognised as one of the most effective routes to understanding the nitty gritty of team performance. The reports are based on questionnaires that identify the preferred behaviours of individuals when working in a team context. These provide the basis for powerful conversations and greater understanding of the team and the interaction between the team members. Click the link to learn more about Belbin Team Reports.

A team is not a bunch of people with job titles, but a congregation of individuals, each of whom has a role that is understood by the other members.
— Meredith Belbin - Founder

GROW-studio effectively combines these elements - Belbin team analytics, Action Learning principles and both team and individual coaching - to help identify and overcome performance barriers.

Online Coaching

The steady adoption of online coaching was accelerated over lockdown. It is a far more efficient and cost-effective way to work with both individuals and teams and calls can be set up at times most convenient to the way you work. Most of the coaching at GROW-studio is now done online, however face-to-face meetings can be arranged where appropriate.

Online Coaching
Scalability poundal


GROW-studio is a bespoke business that aims to tailor and scale any engagement to the specific needs of each client. GROW-studio is privileged to work with some amazing business coaches, facilitators and mentors and this enables flexibility to bring in others where necessary to help provide the solution that each client is looking for.